This is what my husband felt like after the Blessing and the Birthday Party...Odin was taking a nap in his room and I was cleaning the kitchen and Chuck was holding Stetson...when I came in the front room to sit down this is what I saw...I didn't know if I should pick Stetson up or if it would startle Chuck and make us drop Stetson...but Stetson kept rolling down Chucks body and legs farther and farther so I thought I better risk it or he will for sure fall off onto the floor...Chuck didn't even feel me pick him up...he was really, really is a lot of work emotionally and physically to do a Blessing for your little man in front of people when he is nervous and then to be our Grill Master for the party and have it be super Hot outside...he was one pooped husband...but he did a fabulous job and I love him so much...Thanks for all you do Husband of mine...
I Love you the MOSTEST!!!

This is the first picture...and before I took this picture Stetson was sitting straight he was already starting to fall by the time I got this picture...

This is the second picture I took and you can already see that Stetson is on his he is slipping down and down...and I let him go a little bit farther before I decided he needed to be picked up before he fell....
The bottom pictures are close ups of Stetson Cort on his dads lap sleeping...
he is a cutie pie
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