He wanted to eat lunch on the couch but he is a messy boy so we laid down a towel on his lap and put his food on it...now it thinks that is how everyone should eat...what was I thinking...
(Taken June 10th, 2009)

He wanted to eat lunch on the couch but he is a messy boy so we laid down a towel on his lap and put his food on it...now it thinks that is how everyone should eat...what was I thinking...
(Taken June 10th, 2009)
This is how Odin goes down slides...no one showed him to do this...he saw a bar above the slide so he would grab onto it and swing like a monkey and then drop on his butt down the slide...this kid finds a jungle gym out of anything he plays with....The pictures don't capture how funny it was to watch...but just use your imagination...

These are some of the many looks I get from him on a daily basis...they are dang funny looks he comes up with...if I knew where he was getting some of them and if I only knew what he was thinking some of the time...
(Taken June 10th, 14th, and 16th, 2009)

(Taken June 10th, 14th, and 16th, 2009)

This was Odin in our car after swim lessons...he wore these sunglasses that he got from a Happy Meal all through his swim lessons and on our way to go get Cort from the babysitters...
sometimes he did have them on the right way but for the most part he wore them upside down or on his head..he even feel asleep with them on his eyes upside down after swim lessons...it was so dang funny and precious...
he is such a silly little man...and he is always is making me laugh!!...
I love him so much and I wouldn't trade him in for anything...
(Taken June 11th, 2009)

I can sub for you on the last Sunday--I tried calling but your line was busy. That Odin is a cutie--loved the sunglasses!