she is the BEST MOM ever...yeah I know you all think your mom is but really it is my mom that is...she is always there for me even when I don't know I need her...she has always had this sixth sense when it comes to me and how I am feeling and she just knows when I need her...I have always loved that about her...and I never Thank her enough for knowing when I need her, even when I lie and try to put up a good front and tell her I am fine she can always tell...she is a GREAT example of how a Mom should be and she always has Great advice...she is such a good Nana to my little boys and Odin is her number ONE fan...he is attached to her hip if she is anywhere near him...I love the relationship she has with my kids and that I can send them over there anytime when I need a break...she always knows how to make me laugh and she always loves me, even if I am being a Grouchy Bum she still loves me...she always forgives me for my mistakes and points out the learning experience in them when I can't see what I am supposed to learn...My Mom shows me how to love, how to be a good wife, how to be a good Mom, how to be a good sister, how to be a good Aunt, and really how to be a good person all around by the way she acts...she is the best example anyone could have in her life...I really can't say enough about my Mom...I LOVE YOU MOM!!! and thanks for being the best EVER!!! I hope your day was GREAT...
Love Brittney
She is one of the best.... that's the truth, Ruth!!!