Well now I am having to play catch up because I was sick on Friday and thought I was going to die and I felt a little better on Saturday but not good enough to get on the computer so I am catching up on my Thankfulness...
What I was Thankful for on Friday...
she is the BEST Mom anyone could ever ask for...she was such a life saver that day especially...I was feeling so horrible and I called her and she was able to hurry over and get the boys from me and take them to her house so I could try and sleep...and then when Chuck got home she brought the boys back...
I love the relationship she has with my boys...they absolutely love her and they light up when she walks into the room...Even when Odin was really, really sick his face just beamed when my Mom came over to check on him...Odin loves to bring me the phone and wants to call his Nana...
My mom is such a good example to everyone around her and she is such a loving person...I am so Happy to have her as my Mom and I wouldn't trade her for anything...
I love you Mom and thanks for Always being there...
You are the BEST!!!
What I was Thankful for on Saturday...
I was so Thankful for pain meds and for nap time and my bed...
My body hurt so bad from being sick I was glad to have some Tylenol to help dull the pain...
My body hurt so bad from being sick I was glad to have some Tylenol to help dull the pain...

I was also Thankful that both of my boys take naps because I really needed one...so when they went down for their afternoon nap I climbed in my bed and slept right along with them...it was so nice...just what I needed to help get better....

(These pictures are not from the day I was sick but they are of Odin asleep on the couch with his balloons...he is a silly little man...)
What I am Thankful for Today (Sunday)...
I am Thankful for the Gospel...
