Sunday I was Thankful for...
New Callings.
I was put in as a Nursery Helper in our ward on Sunday. I was in the Primary for a few years until our ward was dissolved and we were put into a new ward. I was looking forward to not having a calling and being able to go to class with Chuck. So far that has only happened once in the few months we have been in this new ward. Odin has had a hard time going to Nursery and the days he does go there were a ton of kids and only two adults so we stayed to help.
So two Sundays ago we were in there with a ton of kids and only two adults when a Mom brought her little boy in and he didn't want to stay at all-so I went over and picked him up and asked him to come play basketball with me and Odin. It didn't take long after that for him to stop crying-as long as I was playing with him and acknowledging him. The Nursery Leader-Sister Kitty-told me this certain little boy had never stayed in Nursery, this was his first time. I felt good that I was able to help out and make this little boy feel comfortable. I said something to the Bishopric as we were leaving and Sister Kitty had also gone in after church and asked for more helpers and they remembered me from a few minutes earlier saying how I had helped this little boy have fun in Nursery and they called me the next Sunday to help. And of course Murphey's Law that I get put in the Nursery Officially and that same Sunday my little friend wasn't there, but there are still plenty of Sundays to come and I can't wait to have fun with these sweet spirits and see what they have to teach me.

New Callings.
I was put in as a Nursery Helper in our ward on Sunday. I was in the Primary for a few years until our ward was dissolved and we were put into a new ward. I was looking forward to not having a calling and being able to go to class with Chuck. So far that has only happened once in the few months we have been in this new ward. Odin has had a hard time going to Nursery and the days he does go there were a ton of kids and only two adults so we stayed to help.
So two Sundays ago we were in there with a ton of kids and only two adults when a Mom brought her little boy in and he didn't want to stay at all-so I went over and picked him up and asked him to come play basketball with me and Odin. It didn't take long after that for him to stop crying-as long as I was playing with him and acknowledging him. The Nursery Leader-Sister Kitty-told me this certain little boy had never stayed in Nursery, this was his first time. I felt good that I was able to help out and make this little boy feel comfortable. I said something to the Bishopric as we were leaving and Sister Kitty had also gone in after church and asked for more helpers and they remembered me from a few minutes earlier saying how I had helped this little boy have fun in Nursery and they called me the next Sunday to help. And of course Murphey's Law that I get put in the Nursery Officially and that same Sunday my little friend wasn't there, but there are still plenty of Sundays to come and I can't wait to have fun with these sweet spirits and see what they have to teach me.
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