Cort and seems the only way I can get pictures of me with my boys is if I take them myself...and then you always have a double chin...or in my case a triple chin...but whatever...who cares...
I had Odin's shirt on my head...and was trying to make him laugh because he was mad that I wouldn't give him the didn't work too well but I tried...

And of course bath time...bath time has gotten a little hard these days...Cort is too big for the baby bath-he makes a royal mess when in it-but he can't sit up by himself very good yet...and I can't start a bath with out Odin getting we have to be pretty least they love their bath time...can't complain about that...

set your camera on a timer and set it somewhere to take the pic. Thats what I always did hehe! These are cute though..gosh cute boys!