Here are just some randoms of my boys hanging out...I love to try and catch the little things...I have been able to get some good moments...I sure love these two little men and they make my daily life so fun and enjoyable...they make me laugh all the time...I hope I can just be the best mom ever for them because they deserve it...they are such sweet spirits and they have a lot to accomplish in life and I just hope I can do right by them and raise them so they follow the right path and make it through this life...
Taken 07-29-2009

Taken 08-08-2009

Taken 08-09-2009

Taken 08-09-2009
When I pull out the camera to catch Cort doing something cute Odin seems to think he needs to jump in the picture and talk to in this picture Odin is telling Cort something...Cort loves the attention...and he probably understands Odins language-since no one else does...

Taken 08-09-2009
Odin has figured out how to take his clothes off thanks to Bridger and so now whenever I leave Cort in just a diaper Odin strips off all his clothes so he can match...and he makes sure to come and tell me that he is in his diaper to match broder...

Taken 08-09-2009
This is Odin just before leaving for church...he is such a handsome little devil...

Taken 08-14-2009
Cort just hanging out in his Bumbo seat...he really likes it but not for long periods of time...enough for me to get a chore done-that is all that really matters right?

Brittney, do you digital scrapbook?